Get Involved



We always welcome new members and we would love for you to join! Any middle or high school-aged students are eligible to become ACI members. All members are added to a Slack workgroup in which they can interact. ACI mentors are also on the same platform, allowing mentors to learn from students in college who are more experienced both socially and professionally. Furthermore, staff, mentors, and fellow members will post opportunities that they come across that other members can take advantage of. This is a really great opportunity to connect with other students around the world and gain valuable professional skills such as networking. There are no requirements in terms of commitment for members, so how much time you devote to ACI and what you can get out of it is completely up to you! We forward to meeting new members!

To join, click here, if there are any complications with joining, please email and we will send you an invitation to Slack within 48 hours.


Like with members, we always welcome new mentors! Any students who have graduated from high school are eligible to become a mentor! Mentors serve as a resource for members as they tackle the challenges they face as they progress through middle and high school, especially when it comes to the college application process or finding opportunities in the professional world. We understand that mentors are very busy, therefore, mentors are not required to spend any time on the slack platform but we do recommend that they take an hour or so every week to answer questions or connect with members.

To become a mentor, click here, and message us once you are in the Slack workgroup to let us know that you’d like to be a mentor! If there are any complications with the link, please email and we will send you an invitation to Slack within 48 hours.


Join ACI’s Staff!

ACI is always looking for new staff members! Staff members are divided up into five teams: community engagement, events, publishing, marketing, and public relations, although you can be part of more than one team. There are no set requirements as to what each staff member must accomplish within a set deadline because we understand that everyone has different commitments. That said, dedicated staff members will be recognized.

Community Engagement

ACI’s community engagement staff primarily works with our Slack community ( and is responsible for greeting new members and posting engaging content. We ask the community engagement staff members to post daily in our slack channel to keep the conversations flowing. This is also an opportunity to develop networking and communication skills, which are both vital in the professional world.


ACI’s events staff is responsible for planning and executing ACI’s events, including workshops, seminars, and courses. Staff members can choose to host events themselves or invite outside speakers. There are no requirements as to what the events have to be about, as long as they can help participants develop preprofessional skills (ie. speaking, writing, coding, financial literacy, etc.) or prepare them for the next stages of their professional lives (ie. college & career-related events).


ACI’s publishing staff works on creating content for Perspectives, formerly our monthly publication, and now our blog. Articles generally need to be of some educational value to the reader, but besides that, there are no limitations as to what staff members can write about. This is a great opportunity to hone writing and journalism skills.


ACI’s marketing staff creates new content for ACI’s social media pages (which are linked at the bottom of this website) and recruits new members. Marketing staff members are encouraged to recruit at least one member or create one social media post per week. In addition, this is an opportunity to connect with other student organizations through social media and develop marketing and graphic design skills.


ACI’s public relations staff are responsible for contacting local, regional, and national media outlets as well as social media accounts with the goal of getting ACI featured. This is a great position if you enjoy networking with professionals and want to develop cold emailing skills.


If you identify with our mission and want to help us in any other way, please let us know! (